Friday, July 1, 2011

The New Coop!

This post is long overdue...

We moved the ladies into the gorgeous coop a couple of months ago! My husband made this AWESOME coop with his own two hands (and a few tools ;)). I am sooo impressed with his mad skills and the chickies really seem to enjoy the bigger place! We really saved some $$ by making it ourselves (I did help screw in a few sides! :)) and we know the coop will hold up well throughout the seasons!

My hubby Chris hard at work! 
Our lovely daughters testing out the coop!

Now moving it from the garage to the chicken pen was quite a task! Well, I was just the photographer...

It was pretty heavy...

They hopped up on the spacious roost right away!

We still need to paint the outside, so it has been covered with a tarp to protect the wood since we moved it outside... but here is the finished (unpainted) product!

The back of the coop, complete with a chickie-sized door and window

Front view, with people-sized door
(there is an awesome nesting box on the other side that I'll have to get a better pic of soon!)